Monday, January 26, 2009


good yask adv51 at RWC session



artdevil at haw's secret spot at panglima polim in there was nerg03 & edos

bart and me at antasari's secret spot, its so scary !

at pondok indah with mist12 nasty2 distrike nors3

sab2 poptizzy artdevil51 sans neverose nors3 at rus1's birthday party

saw42 artdevil51 vane4 nors3 NTA crew neverose poptizzy

my piece with my friends at MUSEUM LAYANG-LAYANG when we was at primary school

niel1 and me at radio dalam

artdevil51 nice1 mist12 yask

at snow7 birthdeath party

artdevil51 with ned (malaysia) at silk session haha so jerk our piece :P

nors3 flames noise7 mist12 nasty2 artdevil51 same4 and pong mos cirs marpaunk on another wall at 2nd NC party

neverose artdevil51 sab2 poptizzy sans nors3 saw42

artdevil51 same 4 neverose sab2 at 1st NC party with flames nors3 ash2 nasty2 mist12 noise7 nomadic rus1 nacre ninetwokit

first i made it with my friends 'DHAFIN' its just my real name haha

artdevil51 neverose sab2 and sans cck saw42 poptizzy mines11 at another wall

marpaunk blaze23 artdevil51 slash mist12 nies fathi nasty2 nomadic fake rus1 name2 belor7 labersquad mumu

thiz03 fathi nies flames artdevil51 sans elor4 neo3 manasix nom

mist12 distrike noise7 artdevil51 marpaunk

REDTOP mumu x artdevil51

with nors3 at my artwork studio

at my secret spot with same4 and nice1

RWC session with wes rus1 pisankg same4 gans yask pong and many more and thanks for the invite!

artdevil51 nors3 sab2

artdevil51 x sab2

15 cans 1 weeks so lazy!

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